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转帖 《狩猎》---维基百科 及其 Google英语网页的翻译结果 等

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转帖  《狩猎》---维基百科 及其 Google英语网页的翻译结果 等


Hunting is the practice of pursuing living animals (usually wildlife) for food, recreation, or trade.

狩猎 是追求(通常是野生动物的食物 , 娱乐 ,或贸易 )生活的动物的做法。

In present-day use, the term refers to lawful hunting, as distinguished from poaching , which is the killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species contrary to applicable law.

在当今的使用,这个词是指合法狩猎,从偷猎 ,这是杀人,诱捕或捕捉猎物物种违反适用的法律区别。

The species which are hunted are referred to as game and are usually mammals and migratory or non-migratory gamebirds .

这是狩猎的物种被称为游戏 ,通常哺乳动物的迁徙和非迁徙 gamebirds。

Hunting can also involve the elimination of vermin , as a means of pest control to prevent diseases caused by overpopulation.


Hunting advocates state that hunting can be a necessary component
[ 1 ] of modern wildlife management , for example to help maintain a population of healthy animals within an environment's ecological carrying capacity when natural checks such as predators are absent.
[ 2 ] However, a 2006 study by Penn State 's Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics indicated that reducing the game animal population in small areas may lead to higher tick densities, resulting in more tick-borne infections in rodents leading to a high prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis and creating a tick hot-spot.
[ 3 ] In the United States, wildlife managers are frequently part of hunting regulatory and licensing bodies, where they help to set rules on the number, manner and conditions in which game may be hunted.


[1现代野生动物管理 ],例如,帮助维持内环境的生态承载能力的人口健康的动物时,如自然天敌检查缺席。
[2]然而,2006年由宾州州立大学 '学习章传染病动力学中心表示,减少小地区的猎物人口可能导致更高的蜱密度,导致更多的蜱传播的导致高发病率的蜱感染啮齿动物传播的脑炎和创造滴答热点。

The pursuit, capture and release, or capture for food of fish is called fishing , which is not commonly categorized as a form of hunting. Trapping is also usually considered a separate activity.

的追求,吸收和释放,或捕获的鱼类食物被称为捕鱼 ,这不是一般归类为狩猎的形式。 诱捕也通常被认为是一个单独的活动。

Neither is it considered hunting to pursue animals without intent to kill them, as in wildlife photography or birdwatching .

也不是它认为打猎的人不打算杀死他们的动物在野生动物 摄影和观鸟 。 The practice of hunting for plants or mushrooms is a colloquial term for foraging or gathering .
用于植物或蘑菇 狩猎的做法是一个觅食或收集口语任期。

The aspects of skillful tracking and acquisition of an elusive target in the pursuit of game have caused the word hunting to be used the vernacular as a metaphor (such as "bargain hunting") sometimes with the killing aspect also implied (such as "hunting down corruption and waste")


Further information: Hunting hypothesis

更多信息: 狩猎假说

Hunting has a long history and may well pre-date the rise of species Homo sapiens .

狩猎有着悠久的历史,很可能日期之前,物种智人上升智人 。

While our earliest Hominid ancestors were probably frugivore or omnivore, there is evidence that early Homo , and possibly already Australopithecine [ 4 ] species have used larger animals for subsistence , and that hunting may have been one of the multiple environmental factors leading to replacement of holocene megafauna by smaller herbivores . [ 5 ]

虽然我们最早的原始人的祖先可能是frugivore或杂食动物,有证据表明,早期智人 ,并可能已经古猿 [4]物种用于生活大型动物,这可能是狩猎是导致世更换多种环境因素之一由小型食草动物 巨型动物 。[5]

Of the closest surviving relatives of the human species, Pan , the Common Chimpanzee has an omnivorous diet including troop hunting behavior based on beta males led by an alpha male , while Bonobos , on the other hand have a mostly frugivorous diet. [ 6 ]

对人类, 潘的黑猩猩具有杂食性动物 的饮食包括部队狩猎 行为在男性主导的测试由阿尔法男性最接近的亲人,而倭黑猩猩 ,都另一方面主要以食果实的饮食习惯。[6]

While it is undisputed that early humans were hunters, the importance of this fact for the final steps in the emergence of the Homo genus out of earlier Australopithecines , with its bipedalism and production of stone tools , and eventually also control of fire , are emphasized in the " hunting hypothesis ", and de-emphasized in scenarios that stress the omnivore status of humans as their recipe for success, and social interaction , including mating behaviour as essential in the emergence of behavioral modernity .

虽然这是不争的事实早期人类的猎人,这在智人出现的最后步骤的重要性,其实刚才出属南方古猿 ,其两足行走和石器的生产,并最终也控制火灾 ,是强调在“ 狩猎假说 ”,并不再强调在方案中,强调人类的杂食的地位作为其成功的秘诀,和社会互动 ,包括交配必不可少的行为在现代行为的出现。

With the establishment of language , culture and religion , hunting became a theme of stories and myths , besides rituals such as dance and animal sacrifice .

随着语言 , 文化和宗教的成立,成为狩猎的故事和神话之外,如舞蹈和牲 仪式 , 主题 。

Hunting was a crucial component of hunter-gatherer societies before the domestication of livestock and the dawn of agriculture , beginning about 11,000 years ago.

狩猎是一个猎人的重要组成部分,以前的家畜 驯化和农业黎明采集社会中,大约11000年前开始。

By the Mesolithic , hunting strategies had diversified with the developent of the bow (by 18,000 years ago) and the domestication of the dog (about 15,000 years ago).

到了石器时代 , 狩猎的策略已经多元化同弓 (由1.8万年前)和狗的驯化 (约1.5万年前)项目概况。

There is fossil evidence for spear use in Asian hunting dating from approximately 16,200 years ago. [ 7 ]
The North American megafauna extinction was coincidental with the Younger Dryas impact event , making hunting a less critical factor in prehistoric species loss than had been previously thought. [ 8 ]

北美巨型动物的灭绝是与新仙女木事件的影响巧合,使狩猎在史前物种的损失较少的关键因素已比以前想象的。 [8]

Many species of animals have been hunted and caribou/wild reindeer "may well be the species of single greatest importance in the entire anthropological literature on hunting" [ 9 ] (see also Reindeer Age ).

许多动物物种已被狩猎和驯鹿/野生驯鹿 “很可能是最重要的单一在整个文学人类学的狩猎物种”[9](另见驯鹿年龄 )。

Hunter-gathering lifestyles remained prevalent in the New World and Sub-Saharan Africa (with the notable exception of Aztec and Incan agriculture ) until the European Age of Discovery , and they persist in some tribal societies , albeit in rapid decline.

亨特收集的生活方式仍然存在,在新的世界和撒哈拉以南非洲地区 (与阿兹特克和印加农业明显的例外),直到愉欧洲时代 ,他们坚持在一些部落社会虽然在迅速下降。

Peoples that preserved paleolithic hunting-gathering until the recent past include some indigenous peoples of the Amazonas ( Aché ), some Central and Southern African Bushmen ( Hadza people , Khoisan ), some peoples of New Guinea ( Fayu ), the Mlabri of Thailand and Laos, the Vedda people of Sri Lanka and a handful of uncontacted peoples .

人民保留下来的旧石器时代狩猎,直到最近收集包括了亚马逊 ( 胆碱酯酶 ),一些中部和南部非洲布须曼人的一些土著民族 ( 哈扎人 , 科伊桑语 ),在新几内亚 ( 法雨 ),在泰国和老挝Mlabri一些民族,对斯里兰卡的维达人与一个与世隔绝人民少数。

Even as animal domestication became relatively widespread, hunting was usually a significant contributor to the human food supply, even after the development of agriculture .


he supplementary meat and materials from hunting included protein , bone for implements, sinew for cordage, fur , feathers , rawhide and leather used in clothing.

肉类的补充和狩猎材料包括蛋白质 , 骨的实施,为绳索, 毛皮 , 羽毛 , 牛皮和服装用皮革 肌腱 。

The earliest hunting tools would have included rocks, spears , the atlatl , bow and arrows .

最早的狩猎工具将包括岩石, 长矛的atlatl, 弓和箭 。

On ancient reliefs, especially from Mesopotamia, kings are often depicted as hunters of big game such as lions, especially from a war chariot .

论,特别是来自美索不达米亚古老的浮雕,国王常常被描绘成大游戏猎人,如狮子,特别是从战车 。

The cultural and psychological importance of hunting in ancient societies is represented by deities such as the horned god Cernunnos , or lunar goddesses of classical antiquity , Greek Artemis or Roman Diana . Taboos are often related to hunting, and mythological association of prey species with a divinity could be reflected in hunting restrictions such as a 'reserve' surrounding a temple. Euripides ' tale of Artemis and Acteon , for example, may be seen as a caution against disrespect of prey or impudent boasting

在古代狩猎文化和社会心理的重要性,是代表神如神的角 Cernunnos,或古代希腊女神或罗马戴安娜月球女神。 禁忌往往与狩猎和猎物的神话协会与神可反映在狩猎限制,如'储备周围寺庙'。 欧里庇得 '故事耳忒弥斯和法国艾龙例如,可被视为一对猎物或不尊重放肆吹嘘谨慎。

Hunting is still vital in marginal climates, especially those unsuited for pastoral uses or agriculture. Inuit peoples in the Arctic trap and hunt animals for clothing.


From the skins of sea mammals , they may make kayaks, clothing, and footwear.


With domestication of the dog , birds of prey and the ferret , various forms of animal-aided hunting developed including venery ( scent hound hunting, such as fox hunting ), coursing ( sight hound hunting), falconry and ferreting

.与狗驯化, 猛禽和鼬 ,动物各种形式的资助,其中包括狩猎狩猎开发( 嗅觉猎犬狩猎,如猎狐 ,), 河流间造成 ( 视觉猎犬狩猎), 鹰和揭露。

These are all associated with medieval hunting ; in time various dog breeds were selected for very precise tasks during the hunt, reflected in such names as pointer and setter .

这些都是与中世纪狩猎 ,在不同时间的犬种 ,被选作非常精确的任务期间,狩猎,作为指针的制定者这样的名字反映。

Hunting in pastoral and agricultural societies


Moche Deer hunting scene. Larco Museum Collection.

莫奇鹿狩猎场景。Larco博物馆收藏。 Lima-Peru利马,秘鲁

Nobleman in Hunting Costume, preceded by his servant , trying to find the scent of a stag , from a manuscript of the 14th century

贵族在狩猎服装,他的仆人之前,试图找到一个雄鹿气味 ,从14世纪手稿

Even as agriculture and animal husbandry became more prevalent, hunting often remained as a part of human culture where the environment and social conditions allowed.


Hunting may be used to kill animals which prey upon domestic animals or to attempt to extirpate animals seen by humans as competition for resources such as water or forage.


As hunting moved from a subsistence activity to a social one, two trends emerged.


One was that of the specialist hunter with special training and equipment.


The other was the emergence of hunting as a sport for those of an upper social class .

The meaning of the word " game " in middle English evolved to include an animal which is hunted.

这个词的“ 游戏 中英文 ”演变为包括这是猎杀动物的意义。

As game became more of a luxury than a necessity, the stylized pursuit of it also became a luxury.


Dangerous hunting, as for lions or wild boars, usually on horseback (or from a chariot ) had a function similar to tournaments and manly sports.

危险狩猎,狮子和野猪,通常在马背上(或从战车 )有功能类似于赛和男子气概的运动。
Hunting was considered to be an honourable, somewhat competitive pastime to help the aristocracy practice skills of war in times of peace.


在中世纪 欧洲的大部分地区,是上层阶级的唯一获得狩猎权的一个封建境内的某些地区。

Game in these areas was certainly used as a source of food and furs, often provided via professional huntsmen; but it was also expected to provide a form of recreation for the aristocracy .


The importance of this proprietary view of game can be seen in the Robin Hood legends, in which one of the primary charges against the outlaws is that they "hunt the King's deer".


Although various animals have been used to aid the hunter, none has been as important as the dog.


The domestication of the dog has led to a symbiotic relationship in which the dog has lost its evolutionary independence from humans in exchange for support

.狗的驯化,导致共生关系 ,其中狗已经失去了从人类在进化换取支持独立。

The word for hunting in Ancient Greek, kynègia , is derived from kynos 'dog'.


In the Ottoman empire , some of the elite force of Janissaries , the ruler's guard, were Sekban , or dog guards. [ citation needed ]

在奥斯曼帝国 ,对禁卫军 ,统治者的警卫,精锐部队的一些人Sekban,或狗看守。[ 编辑 ]

Dogs today are used to find, chase and retrieve game and sometimes to kill it. Hunting dogs allow humans to pursue and kill prey that would otherwise be very difficult or dangerous to hunt.

今天的狗用来寻找,追逐和检索的游戏 ,有时要杀死它。 狩猎犬让人类追杀猎物,否则很困难或危险的追捕。

In time, hunting came to be seen as a sporting activity.


Ultimately, the rising middle class or bourgeoisie adopted the practice and retained its image.


Although recreational hunters may choose to be selective hunters, many people hunt to enjoy the outdoors.


Others enjoy game as an alternative to store bought meat.


Some recreational hunters contributed to the modern environmental conservation movement. Aldo Leopold , John Muir , and Teddy Roosevelt , who spent some of their outdoor recreation time hunting, became the founding fathers of the modern Conservation movement .

一些康乐猎人促成了现代环保运动。 奥尔多利奥波德 , 约翰缪尔和西奥多罗斯福 ,谁花的时间狩猎户外休闲一些,成为现代环保运动的创始者。


In many pagan religions, specific rituals are conducted before or after a hunt; the rituals done may vary according to the species hunted or the season the hunt is taking place [ citation needed ] .


Often a hunting ground, or the hunt for one or more species, was reserved or prohibited in the context of a temple cult [ citation needed ] .


The Hindu doctrine of Ahimsa is generally antagonistic to hunting [ citation needed ] .

在对阿欣萨 印度教教义一般是对立的狩猎

Hindu Scriptures describe hunting was a sport of the kingly and practiced by many ancient holy royal families.


In the epic Ramayana , Dasharatha , the father of lord Ram , is said to have the ability to hunt in the dark.

在史诗罗摩衍那 ,Dasharatha,勋爵的拉姆的父亲,据说他是有能力在黑暗中狩猎。

During one of his hunting expedition he accidentally killed Shravana , mistaking him for game .

他在他打猎误杀Shravana 1,误以为他游戏。

According to the Mahabharat , Pandu , the father of the Pandavas , accidentally killed the sage Kindama and his wife with an arrow mistaking them for a deer.

据马哈巴拉特山脉 , 潘杜 ,该班度的父亲,意外死亡与误以为他们的箭头,鹿,圣人Kindama和他的妻子。

Jainism teaches to have tremendous respect for all of life.


Prohibitions for hunting and meat eating are the fundamental conditions for being a Jain .

狩猎和肉食禁令的根本条件是一个贾殷 。

The first Precept of Buddhism is the respect for all sentient life.


The general approach by all Buddhists is to avoid killing any living animals.


The Buddha explained the issue by saying "all fear death; comparing others with oneself, one should neither kill nor cause to kill".


From early Christian times, hunting has been forbidden to Roman Catholic Church clerics.


Thus the "Corpus Juris Canonici" (C. ii, X, De cleric. venat.) says "We forbid to all servants of God hunting and expeditions through the woods with hounds; and we also forbid them to keep hawks or falcons.


The Fourth Council of the Lateran , held under Pope Innocent III , decreed (canon xv): "We interdict hunting or hawking to all clerics.

"在拉特兰的第四届理事会 ,根据诺森三世下令(佳能十五),举行了:“我们拦截猎捕或贩卖的所有神职人员。

” The decree of the Council of Trent is worded more mildly: "Let clerics abstain from illicit hunting and hawking" (Sess. XXIV, De reform., c. xii), which seems to imply that not all hunting is illicit, and canonists generally make a distinction declaring noisy ( clamorosa ) hunting unlawful but not quiet ( quieta ) hunting.


Ferraris (sv "Clericus", art. 6) gives it as the general sense of canonists that hunting is allowed to clerics if it be indulged in rarely and for sufficient cause, as necessity, utility or "honest" recreation, and with that moderation which is becoming to the ecclesiastical state .

法拉利(希“神职”的艺术。6)提供圣教法典作为一般意义上的狩猎允许神职人员,如果在很少足够的理由和沉沦的必要性,实用工具或“诚实”,消闲,并与该适度这正成为对教会的状态 。

Ziegler, however (De episc., l. IV, c. xix), thinks that the interpretation of the canonists is not in accordance with the letter or spirit of the laws of the Church.


Nevertheless, although a distinction between lawful and unlawful hunting is undoubtedly permissible, it is certain that a bishop can absolutely prohibit all hunting to the clerics of his diocese, as was done by synods at Milan, Avignon, Liège, Cologne and elsewhere. Benedict XIV (De synodo diœces., l. II, c. x) declared that such synodal decrees are not too severe, as an absolute prohibition of hunting is more conformable to the ecclesiastical law .

然而,尽管区分合法和非法狩猎无疑是允许的,但可以肯定,一个主教绝对禁止一切狩猎对他的教区神职人员,正如在米兰,阿维尼翁,列日,科隆和其他地方。 笃十四世 synods完成(德synodo diœces。湖二角x)的宣布,这种议会制法令不太严重,作为绝对禁止狩猎,更加有法可依的宗教法律 。

In practice, therefore, the synodal statutes of various localities must be consulted to discover whether they allow quiet hunting or prohibit it altogether.


It is important to note that the Bible places no such restrictions on any Christian, as most do not observe Kosher dietary laws .

重要的是要注意,在任何地方圣经基督教没有这种限制,因为大多数不遵守犹太教饮食规律 。

Hence Protestant clerics, Catholic lay parishioners, and Protestants have no religious restrictions on hunting.

因此, 新教牧师,天主教教区居民在于,和新教对狩猎没有宗教的限制。 This is in accord with what is found in the Bible book of Acts 15:28-29 and 1 Timothy 4:4.这是与所发现的行为 15:28-29圣经书和提摩太前书4:4协议。

Jewish hunting law , based on the Torah , is similar, permitting hunting of non-preying animals that are additionally considered Kosher for food, although hunting preying animals for food is strictly prohibited under Rabbinic law

.犹太狩猎法 ,在托拉的基础,是类似的,允许非狩猎捕食认为是额外的食物洁食动物,虽然狩猎捕食食品是严格按照拉比法律禁止的动物。

Hence birds of prey are specifically prohibited and non-Kosher.


Hunting for sport, and not for food is also forbidden in Rabbinical Law.



Main article: Hunting in New Zealand主条目: 在新西兰狩猎

New Zealand has a strong hunting culture.


The islands making up New Zealand originally had no land mammals apart from bats.


However, once Europeans arrived game animals were introduced by acclimatisation societies to provide New Zealanders with sport and a hunting resource.


Deer, pigs, goats, rabbits, Tahr and Chamois all adapted well to the New Zealand terrain and with no natural predators their population exploded.


Government agencies view the animals as pests due to their effects on the natural environment and on agricultural production, but hunters view them as a resource.


在对印度大陆的封建和殖民时代,狩猎是一个真正的'帝王在众多的体育土邦 ',因为许多人(诗)拉亚斯,Nawabs,


They would be headed by a master of the hunt, who might be styled Mir-shikar .

他们将由一个狩猎的主人,谁可能是样式和平号空间站,希格尔 。

Often these were recruited from the normally low-ranking local tribes because of their traditional knowledge of environment and hunting techniques.


Big game, such as Bengal tigers , might be hunted from the back of an elephant .

伟大的比赛,如孟加拉虎 ,可能是追捕从一个大象回来。

阿从斯瓦希里语意思是漫长的旅途字野生动物园 ,是一个(尤其是在非洲 )陆路旅程。

Safari as a distinctive way of hunting was popularized by US author Ernest Hemingway and president Theodore Roosevelt .作

为一种独特的狩猎方式推广Safari是由美国作家欧内斯特海明威和总统西奥多罗斯福 。

A safari may consist of several days or even weeks-long journey and camping in the bush or jungle , while pursuing big game .

阿Safari可能会由数天甚至数周的奋斗历程和在丛林或森林露营,在推行的大型游戏 。

Nowadays, it's often used to describe tours through African national parks to watch or hunt wildlife.


Hunters are usually tourists, accompanied by (licensed and highly regulated) professional hunters ("PH"), local guides, skinners and porters in more difficult terrains.

猎人通常是游客,伴随着(授权和高度管制的)职业猎人(“PH值”),当地导游, 斯金纳和搬运工更困难的地形。

A special safari type is the solo-safari where all the license acquiring, stalking, preparation and outfitting is done by the hunter himself

.一个特殊的野生类型是单人,在所有的许可证获取,跟踪,准备和装备是由他自己做猎人狩猎 。

观光狩猎 ,甚至之前生态旅游的到来受欢迎。

The synonym bloodless hunt for hunting with the use of film and a still photo camera was first used by the Polish photographer Włodzimierz Puchalski . [ citation needed ]



Originally a form of vermin control to protect livestock, it became a popular social activity for newly wealthy upper classes in Victorian times, and a traditional rural activity for riders and foot followers alike.


Similar to fox hunting in many ways is the chasing of hare with hounds . Sight hounds such as greyhounds may be used to run down hare in coursing with scent hounds such as beagles .

在许多方面类似的猎狐,是与猎犬 野兔追逐。 景观 ,如赛狗可能被用来运行了野兔在与诸如小猎犬 嗅觉猎犬 河流间造成 猎犬 。

Other sorts of foxhounds may also be used for hunting deer or mink .

对猎狐的其他各种可能也可用于狩猎鹿和水貂 。

Hunting deer on foot using stealth without hounds or horses is called deer stalking .

使用无猎犬和马隐形脚狩猎鹿被称为鹿跟踪 。

These forms of hunting have been controversial in the UK. Animal welfare supporters believe that hunting causes unnecessary suffering to foxes, horses and hounds.

狩猎,这些表格已在英国引起争议。 动物福利的支持者认为,狩猎,造成不必要的痛苦,狐狸,马和猎犬。

Proponents argue that it is culturally and perhaps economically important.


Using dogs to chase wild mammals was made illegal in February 2005 by the Hunting Act 2004 .

The issues involved are addressed in the article fox hunting legislation

所涉及的问题是针对文章中猎狐立法 。


The shooting of game birds, especially pheasants still exists in the UK, with the British Association for Shooting and Conservation saying that over a million people per year participate in shooting, although this figure includes game shooting, clay pigeon shooting and target shooting . [ 11 ]

Shooting, as opposed to traditional hunting, requires little questing for game - around 35 million birds are released onto shooting estates every year, some having been factory farmed .

鸟类的射击游戏,特别是野鸡在英国仍然存在,与拍摄和保护英国协会说,每年超过100万人参与拍摄,尽管这一数字包括游戏的射击, 飞碟射击和射击 。[11 ]

射击,而不是传统的狩猎,需要很少的游戏探路-约35万只家禽被放在射击屋每年释放,部分已工厂养殖 。

Shoots can be elaborate affairs with guns placed in assigned positions with assistants to help load shotguns.


When in position, "beaters" move through the areas of cover swinging sticks or flags to drive the game out.


Such events are often called "drives".


The open season for grouse in the UK begins on August 12 , the so-called Glorious Twelfth .

对于在英国松鸡开放的季节于8月12日开始,在所谓的光荣第十二 。
The definition of game in the United Kingdom is governed by the Game Act 1831 .


北美狩猎可以追溯到几千年来美国,并已成为许多前的重要组成部分,哥伦比亚 美洲土著人的文化。

Native Americans retain some hunting rights and are exempt from some laws as part of Indian treaties and otherwise under federal law —examples include eagle feather laws and exemptions in the Marine Mammal Protection Act .

美洲原住民保留一些狩猎权,并从一些法律豁免条约,作为印度的一部分,否则根据联邦法律 ,例子包括: 老鹰羽毛法律和海洋哺乳动物保护法的豁免。

This is considered particularly important in Alaska Native communities.


Regulation of hunting is primarily regulated by state law ; additional regulations are imposed through United States environmental law in the case of migratory birds and endangered species .

狩猎规主要是受国家法律 ,法规规定的其他通过美国的候鸟及濒危物种的案例环境法 。

Regulations vary widely from state to state, and govern the areas, time periods, techniques and methods by which specific game animals may be hunted.


Some states make a distinction between protected species and unprotected species (often vermin or varmints ) for which there are no hunting regulations


Hunters of protected species require a hunting license in all states, for which completion of a hunting safety course is sometimes a prerequisite.

受保护物种猎人需要在所有的国家,其中一个狩猎安全课程完成,有时是先决条件的狩猎许可证 。

Typically game animals are divided into several categories for regulatory purposes.

狩猎动物通常分为监管的几类。 T

ypical categories, along with example species, are as follows:


    * Big game : white-tailed deer , mule deer , moose , elk , reindeer (caribou) , bear , bighorn sheep , pronghorn , boar , javelina as well as exotic species often found in canned hunts

大游戏 : 白尾鹿 , 骡鹿 , 驼鹿 , 麋鹿 , 驯鹿(驯鹿), 熊 , 大角羊 , 叉角羚 , 野猪 ,javelina以及经常罐头发现外来物种亨茨

* Small Game: rabbit , hare , squirrel , oppossum , raccoon小游戏: 兔子 , 野兔 , 松鼠 ,oppossum, 浣熊

* Furbearers: beaver , red fox , mink , pine martin , musk rat , bobcat Furbearers:

海狸 , 赤狐 , 水貂 , 松树马丁 , 麝香鼠 , 山猫

* Predators : cougar (mountain lion/panther), coyote

捕食者 : 美洲狮 (山狮/豹), 郊狼
* Upland game bird : grouse , turkey , chukar , pheasant , bobwhite quail , dove

陆地棉游戏鸟 : 松鸡 , 火鸡 , 鹧鸪 , 山鸡 , 鹌鹑 , 鸽

* Waterfowl : ducks including mallard , geese including Canada goose

水禽 : 鸭 ,包括野鸭 , 鹅包括加拿大鹅

Hunting big game typically requires a "tag" for each animal harvested


Tags must be purchased in addition to the hunting license, and the number of tags issued to an individual is typically limited.


In cases where there are more prospective hunters than the quota for that species, tags are usually assigned by lottery.


Tags may be further restricted to a specific area or "wildlife management unit.


Hunting migratory waterfowl requires a "duck stamp" from the Fish and Wildlife Service .



” A bag limit is a maximum number of a specific animal species that an individual can harvest in a single day.


A possession limit is a maximum number of a specific animal species that can be in an individual's possession at any time.


Guns usage in hunting is also typically regulated by game category, area within the state, and time period.


Regulations for big game hunting often specify a minimum caliber or muzzle energy for firearms .

对大型动物的狩猎法规往往规定最低口径或枪口对枪支 的能源 。

The use of rifles is often banned for safety reasons in areas with high population density or limited topographic relief .


Regulations may also limit or ban the use of lead in ammunition because of environmental concerns.


Specific seasons for bow hunting or muzzle-loading black powder guns are often established to limit competition with hunters using more effective weapons .

具体季节弓狩猎或前装 黑火药 ,枪支往往建立限制与使用更有效的武器猎人的竞争。

Hunting in the United States is not associated with any particular class or culture.


In fact, 78% of Americans support legal hunting, [ 12 ] but relatively few Americans actually hunt.



At the beginning of the 21st century, 6% of Americans hunted.


Southerners in states along the eastern seaboard hunted at a rate slightly below the national average (5%), and while hunting was more common in other parts of the South (9%), these rates did not surpass those of the Plains states, where 12% of Midwesterners hunted.


Hunting in other areas of the country fell below the national average. [ 13 ]
Overall in the 1996–2006 period, the number of hunters over the age of 16 declined by 10%, a drop attributable to a number of factors including habitat loss and changes in recreation habits. [ 14 ]


Regulation of hunting within the United States dates from the 19th century.


Some modern hunters see themselves as conservationists and sportsmen in the mode of Theodore Roosevelt and the Boone and Crockett Club .


Local hunting clubs and national organizations provide hunter education and help protect the future of the sport by buying land for future hunting use.


Some groups represent a specific hunting interest, such as Ducks Unlimited , Pheasants Forever or Delta Waterfowl Foundation .

有些团体代表一个特定的狩猎,如鸭利益, 无限 , 雉永远或三角洲水禽基金会 。

Many hunting groups also participate in lobbying the federal government and state government.


Each year, nearly $200 million in hunters' federal excise taxes are distributed to state agencies to support wildlife management programs, the purchase of lands open to hunters, and hunter education and safety classes


Since 1934 the sale of Federal Duck Stamps , a required purchase for migratory waterfowl hunters over 16 years old, has raised over $700 million to help purchase more than 5.2 million acres (8,100 sq mi/20,000 km²) of habitat for the National Wildlife Refuge System lands that support waterfowl and many other wildlife species, and are often open to hunting.

自1934年以来销售的联邦鸭邮票 ,是迁徙水禽狩猎年满16岁必须购买,有7亿多美元,以帮助提高了国家野生动物庇护系统购买超过520万英亩(8100平方米mi/20万平方公里栖息地)土地,支持水禽和其他许多野生动物,而且往往开放狩猎。

States also collect monies from hunting licenses to assist with management of game animals , as designated by law.


A key task of Federal and state park rangers and game wardens is to enforce laws and regulations related to hunting, including species protection, hunting seasons, and hunting bans.

阿联邦和国家公园的护林员和游戏的主要任务督导员 ,是执行法律和有关狩猎法规,包括物种保护,狩猎季节和狩猎禁令。

Varmint hunting is an American phrase for the selective killing of non-game animals seen as pests.


While not always an efficient form of pest control, varmint hunting achieves selective control of pests while providing recreation and is much less regulated.


Varmint species are often responsible for detrimental effects on crops, livestock, landscaping , infrastructure, and pets.

狐鼠种通常负责对农作物,牲畜, 环境美化 ,基础设施的不利影响,和宠物。

Some animals (such as wild rabbits or squirrels ) may be utilized for fur or meat, but often no use is made of the carcass.

有些动物(如野生兔或松鼠 )可能被用来对毛皮或肉,但常常是没有用的尸体的。

Which species are "varmints" depends on the circumstance and area.


Common varmints may include various rodents, coyotes , crows , foxes , feral cats , and feral hogs.

普通varmints可能包括各种啮齿动物, 狼 , 乌鸦 , 狐狸 , 野猫和野生猪。

Some animals once considered varmints are now protected, such as wolves .

有些动物曾经被认为varmints现在保护,如狼 。

In the US state of Louisiana , a non-native rodent known as a nutria have become so destructive to the local ecosystem that the state has initiated a bounty program to help control the population

.在路易斯安那州 ,非本地灭鼠作为海狸鼠称为变得如此破坏当地的生态系统,国家启动了悬赏计划,帮助控制人口州。

Feral dogs and cats, rats, starlings, English sparrows, and pigeons may be hunted without a hunting license in the United States.



The role of the hunter-conservationist, popularized by Theodore Roosevelt , has been central to the development of the modern Fair Chase tradition.


When internet hunting was introduced in 2005, allowing people to hunt over the internet using remotely controlled guns, the practice was widely criticized by hunters as violating the principles of fair chase.


As a representative of the NRA explained, "[t]he NRA has always maintained that fair chase, being in the field with your firearm or bow, is an important element of hunting tradition. Sitting at your desk in front of your computer, clicking at a mouse, has nothing to do with hunting." [ 16 ]


印度印度黑羚 ,Nilgai, 羚羊 异国 鹿 , 大库杜和Barasingha现在可以找到狩猎农场在得克萨斯州 ,他们是体育狩猎拍摄美国 。 猎人可以支付费用狩猎Barasingha的4000美元以上。

Main article: Hunting in Russia主条目: 俄罗斯狩猎

The Russian imperial hunts evolved from hunting traditions of early Russian rulers ( Grand Princes and Tsars ), under the influence of hunting customs of European royal courts.

俄罗斯皇家狩猎已经从早期的俄罗斯统治者传统狩猎场( 大王子和沙皇 ),在欧洲宫廷狩猎习俗的影响。

The imperial hunts were organized mainly in Peterhof , Tsarskoye Selo and Gatchina .

帝国狩猎组织了主要彼得霍夫 , 皇村和加特契纳 。

狩猎让资源管理的重要工具[17] [18管理的人口,可能超过其承载能力和栖息地的威胁]福祉的其他物种,或在某些情况下,损害人体健康和安全。[19]狩猎减少对食物和住所种内竞争 ,减少在剩余的动物死亡率。

Some environmentalists assert that (re)introducing predators would achieve the same end with greater efficiency and less negative effect such as introducing significant amounts of free lead into the environment and food chain .


Hunters often disagree, arguing that hunting is more selective, removing fewer old, sick, or young animals than natural predation. Aldo Leopold , an early environmentalist and hunter, also believed hunting could be used to manage animal populations.

猎人就常不同意,认为打猎更有选择性,消除少老,病,或青年比自然捕食。 奥尔多利奥波德 ,早日环保和亨特也认为可以用来狩猎管理动物种群的动物。

Management agencies sometimes rely on hunting to control specific animal populations, as has been the case with deer in North America.


These hunts may sometimes be carried out by professional shooters although others may include amateur hunters.


A large part of managing populations involves managing the number and, sometimes, the size or age of animals harvested so as to ensure the sustainability of the population.


Tools which are frequently used to control harvest are bag limits and season closures, although gear restrictions such as archery-only seasons are becoming increasingly popular in an effort to reduce hunter success rates. [ citation needed ]



There are also jurisdictions where bag limits are not applied at all or are not applied under certain circumstances.


Where bag limits are used, however, there can be daily or seasonal bag limits.


For example, ducks can often be harvested at a rate of six per hunter per day. [ 20 ] Big game, like moose , most often have a seasonal bag limit of one animal per hunter. [ 21 ] Bag limits may also regulate the size, sex or age of animal that a hunter can kill.

例如, 鸭子通常可以在一收获,每人每天猎人6率。[20]大游戏如驼鹿 ,,通常有一个猎人的每袋动物季节性限制。[21]袋的限制也可以调节大小,性别或年龄的动物,一个猎人可以杀死。

In many cases, bag limits are designed to more equitably allocate harvest among the hunting population rather than to protect animal populations.


The phrase "bag limits" comes from the custom among hunters of small game to carry successful kills in a small bag, similar to a fishing kreel.


A closed season is a "hunting" term used to describe a time during which hunting an animal of a given species is contrary to law.

阿休渔期是“狩猎”,用来描述一种狩猎的时间,期间的一个特定物种的动物是违反法律术语 。

Typically, closed seasons are designed to protect a species when they are most vulnerable or, sometimes, to protect them during their breeding season [ 22 ] .

通常情况下,禁渔期的目的是保护物种时,最脆弱的,有时,在其繁殖季节 [22来保护他们]。

By extension, the period that is not the closed season is known as the open season .



Illegal hunting and harvesting of wild species contrary to local and international conservation and wildlife management laws is termed as " Poaching ".

非法狩猎和采集野生物种违反当地和国际保护和野生动物管理的法律,被称为是“ 偷猎 ”。

Violations of hunting laws and regulations are normally punishable by law and, collectively, such violations are known as poaching.



Techniques may vary depending on government regulations, a hunter's personal ethics, local custom, firearms and the animal being hunted.


Often a hunter will use a combination of more than one technique, and some are used primarily in poaching and wildlife management , explicitly forbidden to sport hunters.

通常,一个猎人将使用一个以上技术的结合,有些用于偷猎和野生动物管理 ,明确禁止对体育猎人为主。

* Baiting is the use of decoys , lures, scent.

引诱 ,是诱饵 ,引诱,香味使用。
* Beagling is the use of beagles in hunting rabbits and sometimes in hunting foxes . Beagling

是在狩猎兔 小猎犬使用,狩猎狐狸有时。

* Blind or stand hunting is waiting for animals from a concealed or elevated position


* Calling is the use of animal noises to attract or drive animals


* Camouflage is the use of visual concealment (or scent) to blend with the environment


* Dogs may be used to course or to help flush, herd, drive, track, point at, pursue or retrieve prey


* Driving is the herding of animals in a particular direction, usually toward another hunter in the group


* Flushing is the practice of scaring animals from concealed areas 法拉盛是吓唬便从地区的动物的做法

* Glassing is the use of optics (such as binoculars) to more easily locate animals

* Glue is an indiscriminate passive form to kill birds [ 23 ]

* Internet hunting is a method of hunting over the internet using webcams and remotely controlled guns

* Netting , including active netting with the use of cannon nets and rocket nets

网 ,包括积极同网大炮和火箭弹网用网
* Persistence hunting is the use of running and tracking to pursue the prey to exhaustion. [ 24 ]

* Scouting includes a variety of tasks and techniques for finding animals to hunt

* Spotlighting or shining is the use of artificial light to find or blind animals before killing

彰显或光辉 ,是人工光源使用或之前找到杀害失明的动物

* Stalking or still hunting is the practice of walking quietly, in search of animals or in pursuit of an individual animal

* Tracking is the practice of reading physical evidence in pursuing animals
* Trapping is the use of devices (snares, pits, deadfalls) to capture or kill an animal


It may also include the controversial hunting of captive or semi-captive animals expressly bred and raised under controlled or semi-controlled conditions so as to attain trophy characteristics (canned hunts).



In the 19th century, southern and central European sport hunters often pursued game only for a trophy , usually the head or pelt of an animal, which was then displayed as a sign of prowess.


The rest of the animal was typically discarded.


Some cultures, however, disapprove of such waste.


In Nordic countries , hunting for trophies was—and still is—frowned upon.

在北欧国家 ,为战利品狩猎是,现在仍然是,令人难以接受的。

Hunting in North America in the 19th century was done primarily as a way to supplement food supplies, although it is now undertaken mainly for sport.在


The safari method of hunting was a development of sport hunting that saw elaborate travel in Africa, India and other places in pursuit of trophies.


In modern times, trophy hunting persists and is a significant industry in some areas.

在近代, 战利品狩猎仍然存在,而且在一些领域取得重大产业。

Trophy hunting is most often criticised when it involves rare or endangered animals. [ 25 ] Opponents may also see trophy hunting as an issue of morality [ 26 ] or animal cruelty , criticising the killing of living creatures for recreation. Victorian era dramatist WS Gilbert remarked, " Deer-stalking would be a very fine sport if only the deer had guns." [ 27 ]

杯狩猎 是最经常被批评是在涉及珍稀濒危动物。[25]反对者也可以看到作为一个道德问题[26]或虐待动物狩猎战利品,批评的生活娱乐生物死亡。 维多利亚时代的剧作家是吉尔伯特说,“ 鹿跟踪将是一个很好的运动,只要鹿有枪。”[27]

There is also debate about the extent to which trophy hunting benefits the local economy.


Hunters argue that fees paid contribute to the local economy and provide value to animals that would otherwise be seen as competition for grazing, livestock, and crops. [ 28 ] This analysis is disputed by opponents of trophy hunting. [ 29 ] Some argue that the animals are worth more to the community for ecotourism, than hunting. [ 30 ]



In Tanzania, it is estimated that a safari hunter spends 50-100 times that of the average eco-tourist.


The average photo tourist may demand luxury accommodations.

平均照片的游客可能会要求豪华住宿。 In contrast, the average safari hunter stays in tented camps.


Safari hunters are also more likely to use remote areas, uninviting to the average eco-tourist.


Advocates argue that these hunters allow for anti-poaching activities and revenue for local communities. [ citation needed ]


In the United Kingdom, the game hunting of birds as an industry is said [ who? ] to be extremely important to the rural economy: The Cobham Report of 1997 suggested it to be worth around £ 700 million, and hunting and shooting lobby groups now claim it to be worth over a billion. [ citation needed ]

在英国,作为一个行业的鸟类狩猎说[ 谁?]是极为重要的农村经济:1997年的科巴姆报告建议它是价值约英镑 7亿元,狩猎和射击现在游说团体它声称将超过1亿美元。[ 编辑 ]

Hunting also has a significant financial impact in the United States, with many companies specializing in hunting equipment or specialty tourism .


Today's hunters come from a broad range of economic, social, and cultural backgrounds.


In 2001, over 13 million hunters averaged eighteen days hunting and spent over $20.5 billion on their sport. [ citation needed ] In the US, proceeds from hunting licenses contribute to state game management programs including preservation of wildlife habitat.



Some hunters feel that the honor once bestowed upon their sport has diminished over the years, claiming that mainstream media sometimes ignores the connection between hunting and conservation and often publishes claims that hunting endangers wildlife.


Of greater concern to endangered wildlife is the loss of habitat, brought on by overpopulation and urban development .


Because of their connection with the land and vested interest in increasing wildlife populations, hunters have been influential in implementing and financing various programs geared towards habitat restoration and conservation.



Hunters have worked closely with local and federal governments to enact legislation to protect wildlife habitats


The following examples represent hunter-advocated legislation enacted to generate funds for preserving and establishing habitats.(Hunters Rule)


The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters successfully lobbied to prevent cuts in funding for the Community Fisheries and Wildlife Involvement Program by 50%.



In 1937, hunters successfully lobbied Congress to pass the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act, which placed an 11% tax on all hunting equipment.


This self-imposed tax now generates over $700 million each year and is used exclusively to establish, restore and protect wildlife habitats. [ 31 ] It is named for Nevada Senator Key Pittman and Virginia Congressman Absalom Willis Robertson .



On March 16, 1934 President Roosevelt signed the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act , which requires an annual stamp purchase by all hunters over the age of sixteen.

在1934年3月16日,罗斯福总统签署了候鸟狩猎印花税法 ,需要一个超过16岁的猎人购买邮票。

The stamps are created on behalf of the program by the US Postal Service and depict wildlife artwork chosen through an annual contest.


They play an important role in habitat conservation because 98% of all funds generated by their sale go directly toward the purchase or lease of wetland habitat



缅因 斯库迪克湖 狩猎营地 ---1905年班戈及阿鲁斯图克铁路系列明信片

缅因 斯库迪克湖 狩猎营地

Diane de Versailles Leochares

Diane de Versailles Leochares


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